Publikationen von Juha M. Lahnakoski
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Zeitschriftenartikel (17)
14 (1), 1380 (2024)
Peripheral oxytocin levels are linked to hypothalamic gray matter volume in autistic adults: a cross-sectional secondary data analysis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2.
360, S. 345 - 353 (2024)
A machine-learning approach for differentiating borderline personality disorder from community participants with brain-wide functional connectivity. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 3.
8 (12), S. 1197 - 1206 (2023)
Hippocampus-Centered Network Is Associated With Positive Symptom Alleviation in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 4.
13 (2) (2023)
Lipreading a naturalistic narrative in a female population: Neural characteristics shared with listening and reading. BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 5.
16 (1-2), S. 222 - 231 (2021)
Interpersonal similarity of autistic traits predicts friendship quality. SI 6.
160, 107923 (2021)
Imagery of negative interpersonal experiences influence the neural mechanisms of social interaction. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 7.
131, S. 221 - 236 (2020)
Bayesian modelling captures inter-individual differences in social belief computations in the putamen and insula. CORTEX 8.
52 (3), S. 1044 - 1055 (2020)
A naturalistic paradigm simulating gaze-based social interactions for the investigation of social agency. BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS 9.
16 (9), e1008162 (2020)
Aberrant computational mechanisms of social learning and decision-making in schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 10.
7 (8), 191815 (2020)
Unobtrusive tracking of interpersonal orienting and distance predicts the subjective quality of social interactions. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 11.
29 (9), S. 4006 - 4016 (2019)
Opioidergic Regulation of Emotional Arousal: A Combined PET-fMRI Study. Cerebral Cortex 12.
29 (9), S. 4006 - 4016 (2019)
Opioidergic Regulation of Emotional Arousal: A Combined PET-fMRI Study. CEREBRAL CORTEX 13.
14 (1), S. 97 - 107 (2019)
Increased functional coupling of the left amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex during the perception of communicative point-light stimuli. SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 14.
24, S. 7 - 14 (2018)
Sharing the social world via intersubject neural synchronisation. CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHOLOGY 15.
7, 14244 (2017)
Differential inter-subject correlation of brain activity when kinship is a variable in moral dilemma. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 16.
27 (8), S. 4257 - 4266 (2017)
Dissociable Roles of Cerebral μ-Opioid and Type 2 Dopamine Receptors in Vicarious Pain: A Combined PET-fMRI Study. CEREBRAL CORTEX 17.
38 (7), S. 3360 - 3376 (2017)
Neural Mechanisms for Integrating Consecutive and Interleaved Natural Events. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING Konferenzbeitrag (1)
37 (1, Suppl.), S. 162 - 162 (2017)
Cerebral µ-opioid and type-2 dopamine receptors involved in emotional processing in the human brain: A combined fMRI and PET study. 28th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 13th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Berlin, Germany, 01. April 2017 - 04. April 2017. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM