Publikationen von M. Ising

Zeitschriftenartikel (290)

Hennings, J.; Kohli, M.; Heck, A.; Roeske, D.; Brückl, T.; Klengel, T.; Menke, A.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F. et al.; Lucae, S.: Polymorphisms in the BDNF gene are associated with antidepressant treatment response. European Neuropsychopharmacology 20 (Suppl. 3), S. S427 - S428 (2010)
Kloiber, S.; Kohli, M. A.; Brueckl, T.; Ripke, S.; Ising, M.; Uhr, M.; Menke, A.; Unschuld, P. G.; Horstmann, S.; Salyakina, D. et al.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Binder, E. B.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: Variations in tryptophan hydroxylase 2 linked to decreased serotonergic activity are associated with elevated risk for metabolic syndrome in depression. Molecular Psychiatry 15 (7), S. 736 - 747 (2010)
Unschuld, P. G.; Ising, M.; Roeske, D.; Erhardt, A.; Specht, M.; Kloiber, S.; Uhr, M.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Holsboer, F.; Binder, E. B.: Gender-Specific Association of Galanin Polymorphisms with HPA-Axis Dysregulation, Symptom Severity, and Antidepressant Treatment Response. Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (7), S. 1583 - 1592 (2010)
Hennings, J. M.; Kohli, M. A.; Heck, A.; Roeske, D.; Horstmann, S.; Brückl, T.; Klengel, T.; Menke, A.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Ising, M. et al.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: Polymorphisms in the BDNF Gene are Associated with Antidepressant Treatment Response. Biological Psychiatry 67 (9 Suppl.1), S. 127S - 128S (2010)
Horstmann, S.; Ising, M.; Adena, S.; Pfenning, A.; Modell, S.; Bettecken, T.; Müller-Myhsole, B.; Holsboer, F.; Binder, E. B.: Fine-Mapping of Genetic Loci Linked to REM-Density in the Munich Vulnerability Study. Biological Psychiatry 67 (9 Suppl.1), S. 128S - 128S (2010)
Liu, J. Z.; Tozzi, F.; Waterworth, D. M.; Pillai, S. G.; Muglia, P.; Middleton, L.; Berrettini, W.; Knouff, C. W.; Yuan, X.; Waeber, G. et al.; Vollenweider, P.; Preisig, M.; Wareham, N. J.; Zhao, J. H.; Loos, R. J. F.; Barroso, I.; Khaw, K. T.; Grundy, S.; Barter, P.; Mahley, R.; Kesaniemi, A.; McPherson, R.; Vincent, J. B.; Strauss, J.; Kennedy, J. L.; Farmer, A.; McGuffin, P.; Day, R.; Matthews, K.; Bakke, P.; Gulsvik, A.; Lucae, S.; Ising, M.; Brueckl, T.; Horstmann, S.; Wichmann, H. E.; Rawal, R.; Dahmen, N.; Lamina, C.; Polasek, O.; Zgaga, L.; Huffman, J.; Campbell, S.; Kooner, J.; Chambers, J. C.; Burnett, M. S.; Devaney, J. M.; Pichard, A. D.; Kent, K. M.; Satler, L.; Lindsay, J. M.; Waksman, R.; Epstein, S.; Wilson, J. F.; Wild, S. H.; Campbell, H.; Vitart, V.; Reilly, M. P.; Li, M. Y.; Qu, L.; Wilensky, R.; Matthai, W.; Hakonarson, H. H.; Rader, D. J.; Franke, A.; Wittig, M.; Schäfer, A.; Uda, M.; Terracciano, A.; Xiao, X.; Busonero, F.; Scheet, P.; Schlessinger, D.; St Clair, D.; Rujescu, D.; Abecasis, G. R.; Grabe, H. J.; Teumer, A.; Volzke, H.; Petersmann, A.; John, U.; Rudan, I.; Hayward, C.; Wright, A. F.; Kolcic, I.; Wright, B. J.; Thompson, J. R.; Balmforth, A. J.; Hall, A. S.; Samani, N. J.; Anderson, C. A.; Ahmad, T.; Mathew, C. G.; Parkes, M.; Satsangi, J.; Caulfield, M.; Munroe, P. B.; Farrall, M.; Dominiczak, A.; Worthington, J.; Thomson, W.; Eyre, S.; Barton, A.; Mooser, V.; Francks, C.; Marchini, J.: Meta-analysis and imputation refines the association of 15q25 with smoking quantity. Nature Genetics 42 (5), S. 436 - 440 (2010)
Klengel, T.; Heck, A.; Pfister, H.; Hennings, J. M.; Menke, A.; Lucae, S.; Holsboer, F.; Ising, M.: Somatisation in major depression, genetic association and clinical features. European Neuropsychopharmacology 20 (Suppl. 1), S. S85 - S86 (2010)
Hennings, J. M.; Ising, M.; Grautoff, S.; Himmerich, H.; Pollmächer, T.; Schaaf, L.: Glucose Tolerance in Depressed Inpatients, under Treatment with Mirtazapine and in Healthy Controls. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 118 (2), S. 98 - 100 (2010)
Horstmann, S.; Lucae, S.; Menke, A.; Hennings, J. M.; Ising, M.; Roeske, D.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Holsboer, F.; Binder, E. B.: Polymorphisms in GRIK4, HTR2A, and FKBP5 Show Interactive Effects in Predicting Remission to Antidepressant Treatment. Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (3), S. 727 - 740 (2010)
Holsboer, F.; Ising, M.: Stress Hormone Regulation: Biological Role and Translation into Therapy. Annual Review of Psychology 61, S. 81 - 109 (2010)
Lucae, S.; Ising, M.; Horstmann, S.; Baune, B. T.; Arolt, V.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Holsboer, F.; Domschke, K.: HTR2A gene variation is involved in antidepressant treatment response. European Neuropsychopharmacology 20 (1), S. 65 - 68 (2010)
Unschuld, P. G.; Ising, M.; Specht, M.; Erhardt, A.; Ripke, S.; Heck, A.; Kloiber, S.; Straub, V.; Brueckl, T.; Müller-Myhsok, B. et al.; Holsboer, F.; Binder, E. B.: Polymorphisms in the GAD2 Gene-Region Are Associated With Susceptibility for Unipolar Depression and With a Risk Factor for Anxiety Disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics 150B (8), S. 1100 - 1109 (2009)
Athanasoulia, A.; Sievers, C.; Ising, M.; Uhr, M.; Stalla, G. K.: Predictors of neuropsychiatric side effects and therapy response of dopamine agonist therapy in patients with prolactinomas: a clinical study concept. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 117 (10), S. 660 - 660 (2009)
Ising, M.; Lucae, S.; Binder, E. B.; Bettecken, T.; Uhr, M.; Ripke, S.; Kohli, M. A.; Hennings, J.; Horstmann, S.; Kloiber, S. et al.; Menke, A.; Bondy, B.; Rupprecht, R.; Domschke, K.; Baune, B. T.; Arolt, V.; Rush, A. J.; Holsboer, F.; Müller-Myhsok, B.: Pharmacogenetics of antidepressant treatment outcome - Results from a genome-wide multilocus analysis including clinical predictors. Annals of Human Genetics 73, S. 665 - 666 (2009)
Sievers, C.; Dimopoulou, C.; Pfister, H.; Lieb, R.; Steffin, B.; Roemmler, J.; Schopohl, J.; Mueller, M.; Schneider, H. J.; Ising, M. et al.; Wittchen, H. U.; Stalla, G. K.: Prevalence of mental disorders in acromegaly: a cross-sectional study in 81 acromegalic patients. Clinical Endocrinology 71 (5), S. 691 - 701 (2009)
Yehuda, R.; Cai, G. Q.; Golier, J. A.; Sarapas, C.; Galea, S.; Ising, M.; Rein, T.; Schmeidler, J.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Holsboer, F. et al.; Buxbaum, J. D.: Gene Expression Patterns Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Following Exposure to the World Trade Center Attacks. Biological Psychiatry 66 (7), S. 708 - 711 (2009)
Brückl, T.; Lieb, R.; Pfister, H.; Wittchen, H. U.; Holsboer, F.; Ising, M.; Zimmermann, P.: Polymorphisms in the serotonin receptor 2A gene (HTR2A), parenting styles and the risk of depression in young adulthood: results from a family study. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 213 - 213 (2009)
Heck, A.; Szesny, N.; Holsboer, F.; Reppermund, S.; Ising, M.: Polymorphisms of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) gene show associations with cognitive flexibility in mentally healthy adults. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 221 - 221 (2009)
Hennings, J. M.; Owashi, T.; Binder, E. B.; Horstmann, S.; Menke, A.; Kloiber, S.; Messer, T.; Pollmächer, T.; Nickel, T.; Sonntag, A. et al.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in a representative sample of depressed inpatients - Findings from the Munich Antidepressant Response Signature project. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 222 - 222 (2009)
Ising, M.; Lucae, S.; Binder, E. B.; Bettecken, T.; Uhr, M.; Ripke, S.; Kohli, M. A.; Hennings, J. M.; Horstmann, S.; Kloiber, S. et al.; Menke, A.; Bondy, B.; Rupprecht, R.; Domschke, K.; Baune, B. T.; Arolt, V.; Rush, A. J.; Holsboer, F.; Müller-Myhsok, B.: A Genomewide Association Study Points to Multiple Loci That Predict Antidepressant Drug Treatment Outcome in Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry 66 (9), S. 966 - 975 (2009)
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